Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, who also stars in the film. The film marks Eastwood's return to a lead acting role after four years, his last leading role having been in Million Dollar Baby. The film features a predominantly Hmong cast, as well as Eastwood's younger son, Scott Eastwood, playing "Trey". Eastwood's oldest son, Kyle Eastwood, provided the score. The film opened to theaters in a limited release in North America on December 12, 2008, and later to a worldwide release on January 9, 2009.
The story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran who is alienated from his family and angry at the world. Walt's young Hmong neighbor, Thao, tries to steal Walt's prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino on a dare by his cousin for initiation into a gang. Walt develops a relationship with the boy and his family.
Walt Kowalski, a retired Polish American Ford factory worker and Korean War veteran, has recently been widowed. Walt is prejudiced and unforgiving towards those who do not meet his high standards. His neighborhood in Highland Park, Michigan, formerly populated by working-class white families, is now dominated by poor Asian immigrants and infested with gang violence.
A Hmong family, the Vang Lors, live next door to Walt, much to his displeasure. Among the family are siblings Sue and Thao. Thao, a shy intelligent teen, is relentlessly pressured by his cousin to join a local gang, and he eventually agrees to an initiation which requires him to steal Walt's prized car, a 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport. Walt confronts Thao, armed with his M1 Garand, and Thao flees.
The gang returns and turns violent when Thao rejects them. As the Vang Lors attempt to fend them off, the fight spills onto Walt's lawn. Furious, Walt faces down the gang, and they retreat. The local families treat Walt as a hero. Walt rescues Sue from an escalating confrontation with three black men. Sue befriends Walt, taking his racial comments in stride, and invites him to a family barbecue where he learns more about Hmong culture. To atone for his attempted theft, Thao works for Walt, who has him carry out odd jobs around the neighborhood. He acts as a father figure to Thao, teaching him how to act as a man, giving him relationship advice, and helping him to find a job. Troubled by persistently coughing up blood, Walt goes for a medical checkup and receives results implying that his condition is serious.
Thao is mugged by his cousin's gang. Infuriated, Walt confronts one gang member, beating him and demanding that they leave Thao alone. The gang retaliates with a drive-by shooting on the Vang Lor home, and by beating and raping Sue. Thao is furious, and urges Walt to take vengeance with him. Walt agrees but says that careful planning and caution are needed. He asks Thao to return later in the day. In the meantime he goes to confession, fulfilling one of his wife's final wishes. Father Janovich, knowing of the attack by the gang, is immediately suspicious, but receives Walt's confession. Walt returns home and meets with Thao, giving him his Silver Star. Walt tricks Thao and locks him in the basement, revealing that he does not want Thao to experience the horror of killing someone. He further confesses something he could not confess to Janovich; that he has long harbored guilt for killing a young soldier during the war who had surrendered.
Walt confronts the gang members outside their home. Cigarette in his mouth, he asks the gang for a light, and then provocatively reaches into his jacket. The gang guns him down. Walt is killed holding a Zippo lighter in his hand. The gang, now under arrest, is no longer a threat to the Vang Lors or the neighborhood due to Walt's sacrifice.
Thao and Sue, along with many of the Hmong community, attend Walt's funeral with Father Janovich leading the procession. The scene cuts to the reading of Walt's last will and testament, in which Walt leaves his house to Father Janovich's church, and his Gran Torino to Thao.