::Che: Part Two (2008)::

Fidel Castro on TV is reading a letter from Che Guevara, so we are left to grasp why Che is about to leave his family and his wife to go to Bolivia to start another revolution, this is 1966, and, in disguise, he flies to La Paz. Here he meets with two or three other revolutionaries and catches the bus, changes to a jeep and eventually arrives at a broken down old shed, far enough away from civilisation to start his insurrection. Soon he is joined by Tania another revolutionary and they go further into the jungle. Still, they go further into the jungle to a point where Che believes he can begin his campaign.

But, running out of provisions and medicines his band has to make connections with La Paz and now the Bolivian President Barrientos begins to make moves against the group, not knowing that Che is the leader. With apparent American help, the army is soon onto Che, so now we see Che hunted down, the local people are unhelpful and there's a desperate hunt for food. So he has to go wandering in yet more jungle & in familiar territory, more often having to hide from search aircraft - all the while being slowly encircled until hes caught, after being shot in the thigh. Now, justice is swiftly carried out by Sergeant Teran.


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